This is the letter written by the then Chief Minister of Hyderabad state, Burgula Ramakrishna Rao to U. N. Dhar, President, Indian National Congress just a few months before the merger of Telangana (Telugu speaking areas of Hyderabad state ) and Andhra state to create Andhra Pradesh state on November 1st, 1956. The letter is highly significant for it reveals the thinking of Mr Burgula and his observations of the ground realities in Hyderabad state, and the impending merger of Telangana with Andhra . The original copy of this letter is published with written permission from Vijay Burgula (Family member of of Burgula Ramakrishna Rao). He can be contacted at
The main point in the letter as mentioned by Burgula Ramakrishna Rao is “There is, no doubt, considerable agitation in Telangana on this important question. When I say considerable, it is of course nothing of the type we come across in Bombay. The agitation this side is spread over the whole province and not restricted only to cities. My estimate of the views of the people of Telangana is that the people by majority would desire Telangana to remain a separate state. There is a strong section of the people holding the other view, that is in favour of Vishalandhra, but the majority is decidedly in favour of retaining Telangana as a separate province as recommended by the S.R.C”.
Below are the scanned copies of original letter.
Reference :Simply &
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